Komp.1:Angazhimi i të Rinjëve në mundësitë për Ndërmarrësi

Komp.1:Angazhimi i të Rinjëve në mundësitë për Ndërmarrësi

Do të synojë të adresojë kufizimet teknike dhe financiare që pengojnë burrat dhe gratë e reja të papunë dhe të margjinalizuar për të zhvilluar një rrugëtim drejt vetë-punësimit. Ky projekt do të krijojë një sistem mbështetës për ta, përmes një programi për ndërmarrje të vogla që përfshinë:(A) trajnimin dhe mentorimin e nevojshëm për të mbështetur rrugëtimin e tyre drejt zhvillimit të mikro-biznesit; dhe (B) grante të vogla që lehtësojnë zhvillimin e ndërmarrjeve të vogla.


Ensuring sustainability and pairing with access to finance chain, all possible grantees I would strongly recommend being tied up with Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund, that will ensure an additional smooth loan to micro or startup businesses to mitigate their operational costs. Given the target group age that is from 19 - 24 yrs, this is very critical age, that requires a very echo-system entrepreneurship package, that ensures balanced impact and make sure that there is no artificial external influence just because of the grant or project opportunity. Our strong recommendation is to create an assessment of profiling the future beneficiaries on common characteristics of entrepreneurial spirit.

Si mund te behem pjes e projektit

Si mund të jem pjesë e kti projekti, dhe ku duhet pershkruar apo dërguar idet e mija ? A ka ndonje kontakt direkt ?

very good to see that young persons outside Prishtina will be able to get this support. how will the municipalities be chosen?

Providing subgrants for start-ups requires a great deal of support or the business efforts fail. what kind of support is planned?

Will the implementing partners be selected competitively?

Kur do te fillojne info-sessions balle-per-balle per projektin duke pas parasysh gjendjen me Covid-19?

A duhet që njerëzit të paguajnë grante?

Qendrueshmeria e projekteve. Duhet te mirret parasysh mirembajtja & qendrueshmeria e ndermarrjeve te vogla, sepse cdo here po tentohen te krijohen ide relevate afatshkurta te cilat pasi te perfundohet projekti, shuhen. Andaj duhet nje vemendje tek qendrueshmeria & mirembajtja ( ndermarrjet te financohen per nje kohe me te gjate nese eshte nevoja).

Kako mogu postati deo projekta ? Inače ja sam diplomirani Menađer .Završio sam Menađment. Dali imate kontakt ? kako mogu da vas kontaktiram ?Gde trebamo da se orijavimo ?

Pershendetje, A mund te marre pjese ne kete projekt, ku duhet te aplikoj ?

Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in boosting economic growth and development, so the entrepreneurship education is very critical for this project. We do strongly recommend that Training Center for Entrepreneurship must be cross integration of Municipality, NGO’s and Mentorship volunteering. In general, the entrepreneurship is combination of technical skills combined with required education of entrepreneurship, that must be developed at certain initial youth age. Hence, I would strongly recommend engaging and encourage schools, including vocational training centers, and Municipal employment services to promote and provide continued guidance on entrepreneurship and self-employment for young people.

General comments: Due to pandemic development of COVID 19, the outbreak of COVID-19 will certainly affect the Entrepreneur and Startup Ecosystem, as a result of some of the preventive measures taken by governments worldwide to control the pandemic, small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs have come out to be one the most vulnerable groups that have been directly affected by these measures. Therefore, I think that is very necessary to keep on hold the specific design of the component elements including sectors and type of businesses because the economic situation is very unpredictable, moreover, the forthcoming project must be synchronized with other aid projects on the economy of Kosovo in order to be able to create a sustainable force of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Some other questions: When it is expected the final solicitation for NGO’s to apply for the implementation of this project? Are you planning to conduct any public consultation with local NGO’s in terms of requirements of NGO’s and capacities?

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