Through this process, I've often encountered the words "uncertainty" and "lack of information". It's been too long since there were sensible, informative and campaigns on reducing energy usage, and on the elements of alternative energy sources. There needs to be more public information, more campaign, more openness. This can help reduce public anxiety and wariness, and help encourage and smooth the transition of energy sources.
I agree with the importance of clear communication and information. But I have been hearing about sustainability since I was in primary school 20 years ago, and I worry that the public has been so saturated with information (and misinformation) that we're overwhelmed. There is also only so much that individuals can do to tackle these big challenges. Governments and corporations are already well aware of what experts are telling them they need to do - it is them that need to listen and act!
I've heard ads in my childhood too - nearly 40 years ago. But there's nothing NOW. It used to be "Switch Off And Save", "Be Wise. Be Energy Smart.", "Use natural over electric." Now everything is electric, electric, electric. There used to by rechargable batteries, now everything is USB charging. There needs to be information on moving away from constant energy use, as well as information about the emerging alternative sources.
There is a lot of mis- and disinformation out there about the renewables transition, and the government has not been great at communicating how the transition works and how it will help households. We need to find more effective ways to communicate the benefits and opportunities. With increasingly low levels of trust in governments and institutions, we need to find trusted communicators who can tell the story so people will come willingly along the journey - and we need this to happen quickly!
Maybe have a centralised source of links and energy information in a user friendly format. As hard to know all the players e.g. institutes, manufacturers, rooftop installers - and what they all represent and do. People also need to know what are trusted sources
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation