Let’s Stop Doing What Doesn’t Work

Let’s Stop Doing What Doesn’t Work

In the last 10 years, (since the Paris agreement) 9 trillion US dollars (14 trillion AUD) has been spent around the world, on transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable sources for energy. Despite all of this expenditure, we are still told by the elites whom have exponentially increased their personal wealth that the Earth is still warming and according to some past the tipping point and we are now in an era of ‘global boiling’. Perhaps it would make sense to spend it on Earth’s environment.


2.3 Trillion AUD gets spent Annually on subsidising fossil fuels, that is a lot of money spent JUST on subsidising from governments, imagine the cost of that not just in the past 10 years but all the time in the future and before (a lot less than the number you mention). By spending money on fossil fuels and not renewables you destroy the environment, there are countless examples, you cannot continue burning fossil fuels past and want to save the environment, they are mutually exclusive

Hey Anon, I'm not sure if you know this but global warming is in fact real. The little air bubbles in ancient ice in the antarctic can be measured for how much CO2 is in the atmosphere. We know that CO2 is in fact responsible for the Greenhouse effect, you can see this by sticking a bottle of sparkling water and a bottle of normal water under a heat lamp, the sparkling (CO2) bottle will trap the heat much faster, this is not some crazy theory you can literally do it in your kitchen.

So the bottle of sparkling water has an increase in the co2 content of 28 parts per million? And the bottle of normal water, contains 380 (approx) parts per million of co2? It's my understanding that these are the scientific facts in reference to the increase in co2 in our atmoshere/stratosphere, over the last 50 years. In reality a statistically insignificant amount. It"s my understanding, real scientists would not jump to conclusions based on kitchen experiments.At least I hope not.....

2.3 trillion AUD annually in subsidies? If that is in fact true then it's money well spent especially when you take into account the lifestyle you enjoy here in Bennelong. Ask yourself this, 'what am I prepared to give up, in my lifestyle, here in Bennelong to help implement the transition from fossil fuels to renewables?' Reliable 24/7 electricity and all the luxuries it provides? Such as running water 24/7, your sewerage pumped away 24/7 your street and traffic lights? your data centers?

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